RT devices are not fussy about booting from a USB so there is no need to mark it as bootable and it doesn't matter whether you're using GPT or MBR partition tables. To use this tool just extract contents to a FAT32 formatted USB drive. An uninstall option for undoing the unlock is often also excluded. This is perhaps convenient for average users but annoying if you do not have a working Windows installation.

I put this together because the commonly distributed Golden Key unlock is in the form of a batch script which adds SecureBootDebug.efi to your main drive BCD so that it is ran when you reboot. You can read more about it in GOLDENKEYS.MD. The 'Golden Keys' unlock (CVE-2016-3287 / CVE-2016-3320) discovered by allows bypassing the SecureBoot mechanism which prevents loading code not signed by Microsoft. This package allows you to install (or uninstall) the 'Golden Keys' unlock on a Windows RT device using only a USB drive. This tool has been integrated into jwa4's Tegra Jailbreak USB, which can be found here.